Sold For Pleasure Vol. 3: Dark Erotic Series Read online

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  “We thought it may come to this.” – Father exhaled, letting out a deep and tired sigh.

  I slowly nodded, not sure if they were listening to me.

  “Amelia, you know we are not able to pay the tax this month. It’s simply not possible. So, in order for us to fulfill our duty we have two options: one marry you to the neighbors’ son or two: give you to the McKenzie’s as a payment.” – Father’s eyes were frigid as he was looking at me. I knew he wanted me to marry the man, but I couldn’t.

  “So be it. I will be the payment for this month.” – I said coldly as my mother burst in tears.

  Father didn’t remove his eyes from me: “Child, we can’t protect you in that castle over there. You may be a handmaiden, a kitchen worker or simply a bed warmer.”

  I saw his eyes sank at that last word. Father was scared I would become a whore. On the other side, his family name ended with me so whatever became of me meant continuation or death to the family lineage. I nodded and looked down: “Father I will not disappoint you.”

  He stood up and very slowly, step by step walked towards me. Our little cottage was lit by a single candle and the shadows in the room made him appear terrifying. I was sure he was going to hit me but once I saw his face I realized: he was just as torn as I was. Father hugged me and let out a sob: the first and last time I’ve ever heard him crying.

  Chapter 3

  That week before the tax collection, the tension in our house could be cut with a knife. My usual courage was melting all of a sudden as I was faced with the cold reality: I was leaving home, a mere girl of 18, to join the Clan without knowing what would happen of me.

  As the day finally came, we saw the tax collectors walk into our village. The accountant, two assistants – distant McKenzie cousins and the youngest McKenzie were present. People lined up in front of them, a steady, quiet line, a familiar line, a line all of us had grown up in.

  Father decided to wait, wanting to be the last in line, to spend those last few moments with me. He was holding my hand very tightly as if he was saying there was still time to change my mind. I saw the other people looking at us, they all knew what was happening. Most of them would simply look down at the ground, scared that just by looking at out misfortune the same would behold them, and some were whispering around, pointing at us, as if judging our decision.

  As I was standing in line, walking step by step to my doom, I realized I was different from all the other girls around me. I was tall with long black hair, a pretty face that managed to stay gentle besides the work in the crops. I was prettier than most of them and it came to no surprise as I realized the people that were whispering were the girls my age, judging me, speaking ill of me although I hadn’t done anything wrong.

  That wait in the line was the longest wait of my life. As it was finally our turn, I couldn’t keep my head up. Father approached the accountant, his hat in his hands, his whole demeanor apologetic. He was speaking quietly, whispering his ill fortune to the accountant who sat there not knowing what to do.

  Finally, the accountant nodded, looked at me and smiled. He took a piece of paper and wrote the tax acceptance letter to father. As he gave him the paper, father reached out to take it, his hands shaking.

  “Don’t worry old man, we will take good care of your daughter.” – The accountant said as father took the note and left, leaving me behind not even turning back to look at me again.

  Something in the accountant’s voice told me he was speaking the truth. As I was standing in front of him, my heart racing and my head still down, I felt reassured and somehow, strong.

  “Come child. It’s time for us to leave.” – The accountant said, standing up and moving towards the carriage. The two McKenzie cousins quickly joined us, laughingly asking me all sorts of questions, but my head was in turmoil and I simply didn’t even hear what they were saying.

  “Is she retarded? Can’t she speak?” – They were asking the accountant who simply waved his hand at them: “Lads leave her alone. That’s an order.”

  The youngest McKenzie was quietly walking behind us. I appreciated him not asking anything and somehow I felt closer to him. As the accountant helped me into the carriage, he was speaking to me:

  “I know this is scary child. But trust me, you are in good hands. The McKenzies are not monsters. You will be fine.”

  I kept silent for almost the whole day. As night came, we had to stop in a meadow below some tall trees for protection.

  “This is where we dine and sleep tonight.” – The youngest McKenzie said, and everyone listened to him.

  As the night continued, I noticed the leader of this group was the youngest McKenzie, not the accountant. Scott McKenzie, the youngest McKenzie brother, was tall, muscular and very well built. He had long hair and a bushy beard the color of caramel and his eyes were big and deep, almost grey. He didn’t speak much but whenever he had something to say, everyone listened to him. His voice was deep and almost rough, but reassuring at the same time. He was stern and manly, a rock of a man, with a horrible scar that started at his neck but you couldn’t see the end from his clothes.

  As we sat in a circle close to a fire eating roasted rabbit, I felt tired, more tired than I’ve ever been in my life. I wanted to go back to my family and accept the marriage proposal but at the same time, I felt an electric current dragging me towards Scott, wanting me to stay closer to him, to find out more about him. In all my years, this was the first time I was experiencing a drag towards a man and I didn’t know what to do.

  As the night went by and we all went to sleep, I kept thinking about him, about his appearance and his voice, and all of a sudden deep down, I knew everything would be all right.

  I woke up to the sensation of someone tugging my blanket. I opened my eyes in horror: the two McKenzie cousins were around me: one of them was holding his hand on my mouth as the other one was removing the blanket and lifting up my skirt. I started kicking and I tried to scream but I couldn’t: the hand on my mouth was too big and it was holding me too tight.

  I tried kicking as hard as possible and thankfully, I managed to kick the one lifting my skirt up. As I kicked him, he fell on the ground and Scott woke up. He knew there was something happening and took his sword walking towards me. Once he saw what was happening, he hit the one that was already on the ground so hard that he lost conscience and turned his eyes towards the one that was holding my mouth. Even in the dark, I was able to see the anger in his eyes and they were terrifying.

  “Scott come on, we were just having some fun…” – The man was saying as he finally let go of me and took a step back. Scott never said a word, he simply went after him, hit him with the back of his sword and as the man fell down, he cut off one of his ears. As the man screamed in horror, the accountant woke up, running towards us: “Are we under an attack?” – he was asking still half asleep.

  I stood up and ran towards the accountant, shaking.

  “We were attacked by our own men. The punishment has been served.” – Scott said, not even looking at us as he passed us and went back to his bed. The accountant ran to the bleeding man as I stood in horror without knowing what to do.

  “Well, you shouldn’t have done it.” – The accountant said, taking both of the men towards the fire and serving them with scotch.

  “You, child, go back to bed. Nothing will happen, I promise.” – The accountant said with his voice shaken. I looked towards Scott and I saw his eyes lit in the dark. He was sitting there, cleaning his blade, watching everything. That’s when I realized, the accountant was not keeping me safe: he was keeping the cousins safe from Scott.

  In the midst of it all, I saw him revert his eyes towards him. I felt my body was shaking, not from fear and not from coldness, but from something completely different I couldn’t pin point what it was. As Scott was looking at me, I couldn’t look away. I didn’t want to. He nodded his head as if he was telling me I was safe now. I lay down in a bid to fall asleep but I couldn’t: my hea
rt was racing with excitement and fear and my head was full of thoughts about Scott. It was almost dawn when I was finally able to drift away.

  Chapter 4

  As the dawn came upon us, I was awoken by the noise of the crackling fire only to see that the cousins were no longer with us. The accountant was tending the fire, his glasses almost too dim from the smoke to see, while Scott was brewing something above it. I awoke and slowly went towards the fire: my bones were cold.

  Scott looked at me and smiled: a smile so warm I didn’t need the fire anymore. His eyes were deep gray and almost wanting. I wasn’t sure if I was only seeing what I wanted to see, but I swear I could see a glimpse of interest and my poor heart was hoping he really was interested in me.

  “Good Morning, lady. Please, have a cup of hot stew. I just made it myself this morning.” – Scott spoke very softly as he offered me a cup. I sort of nodded and accepted the cup while staring at him. Our hands touched while he was handing me the cup and I froze: the electricity between us was undeniable. I felt my heart racing again as I stood there, cup in hand and his hand over mine. His touch and the feel of his skin on mine made me feel safe and aroused at the same time, a feeling I wasn’t familiar with up to that point. Scott smiled while handing me over the cup and I knew he had felt it too.

  We sat in silence around the fire, braking our fast as the sun was peaking its head through the branches.

  “We’ll have to stop at the next village to get reinforcements. It’s too dangerous to travel like this. The English can attack us at any moment and we will not be able to defend ourselves.”

  The accountant was sitting across him nodding his head: “The next village is an hour drive from here.”

  “We better move. And fast.”

  As soon as we finished eating, the accountant and I were back on the carriage while Scott was riding his horse next to us. I never asked what happened to the cousins and I didn’t even want to know. While we were riding in silence, I was looking at him, my savior, and the magnificent horse-rider who simply mesmerized me and for the first time in forever, I was looking forward to my new destiny.

  I don’t recall the following events in great detail as I was exhausted and this was the first time I was actually on the road. I know we stopped in a village and Scott recruiter three of the strongest, youngest men capable to fight. We didn’t stay there long and soon enough, we were on our way again.

  As the night was falling around us, we saw the castle in front of us. For me, this was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. The grandeur of the castle made me feel safe and proud at the same time, and it brought me relief as I was sure no one would try to force themselves upon me here. Little did I know I was walking straight into the serpent’s lair.

  As we walked in the castle, we were greeted by one man named Henry. Henry was in charge with all issues concerning the kitchen: he supervised the cooks, the maids and the guests. He literally knew everyone there, from a mere stable’s boy to the actual chief.

  Once the formalities were done with, the accountant introduced me to Henry who eyed me head to toe without uttering a single word. I saw him nodding, as if in approval and I was hopeful to think he found be suitable for whatever job I could do here.

  Scott was nowhere to be seen. It was heartbreaking for me to see he was gone, especially after I was certain we had a connection. Apparently, the youngest lord didn’t think that way.

  I was taken to the kitchen at first and introduced to everyone. The women were eyeing me suspiciously and I could safely say not in a friendly manner. I knew I wasn’t accepted there but since there was little to nothing I could do, I decided to stay quiet as I didn’t want to provoke my fate. Henry quickly came behind me and grabbed me from the back:

  “Finally a decent bed warmer!” – He barked at the other women, fueling their disdain for me. I tried to remove myself for him but I couldn’t. I felt his hands all over me, travelling from my bosom to my skirt, lifting it up. In a second, I felt his hand between my legs and I froze. No one had ever touched me there and I had no idea what I should do. In front of all those people, Henry bent me over and lifted my skirt. I tried to move but I couldn’t. It was as if the people around me simply didn’t care about my agony and they all stood looking at Henry ready to take me. I heard him untie his breaches and I closed my eyes. That was it, my fate was sealed.

  “Take your hands off her Henry.” – I heard a deep and rough voice. It was Scott, speaking ever so gently. No one could notice any anger in his voice, it was a basic command and it had to be obeyed.

  “Young master, I’m sorry I never realized…” – Henry was speaking as he was putting his breaches back on and I was finally able to liberate myself from him. As I stood up, I felt my face flushed and without realizing, I felt tears streaming down my face. I was so taken aback by Henry’s behavior that I never noticed I was crying.

  “The lady here, Amelia, is our guest. She will be staying in the guest room in the south wing. Tonight, we feast and she will seat on the main table, next to me. Ana, help Amelia clean up and get ready. Oh and Henry, if you ever try to do this again, I will chop off your cock.” – Scott left the kitchen without looking at me. I thought I had disappointed him somehow, maybe by not being able to take care of myself. After all, in the last 24 hours, he had to save me twice.

  A young girl, short and chubby, ran to me and took my hand: “Come along now it’s time to wash you.” I nodded as I was taken away from the kitchen.

  The same lack of attention was upon me as I can barely recall the events preceding the actual feast. All I know is I was put in a gown like I’ve never had before, made out of a very soft yet warm material. I was surprised by my own look in the mirror, as for the first time I saw myself as a beautiful grown up woman, and not as a mere peasant.

  I walked into the great hall by myself. The feeling of embarrassment and confusion took over me as I realized I did not know how to behave. Luckily, a lot of other people were walking in there too, taking their places and talking to each other. The hall was noisy as I saw the dozen maids running around serving beer to the guests who in turn were talking, yelling and laughing. I was simply walking between all the tables, not knowing where to sit.

  All of a sudden, a hand grabbed my elbow. I stopped and turned around to see who it was. As my eyes lay on Scott and his smile, I felt better immediately. I felt my knees weaken and a need for fresh air. He could tell by my corset the sudden grasping for air that was making my chest go up and down and his smile deepened: it was as if he was telling me that was the reaction he was hoping for.

  Scott bowed in front of me, a tiny bow with just his head as my thoughts were running wild and I couldn’t possibly speak.

  “My lady, may I escort you to the table?” –He whispered, leaning in towards my ear so I could hear him. His breath on my neck, his soft whisper in my ear made my toes curl. I wanted this man like I haven’t wanted anything before in my life. I nodded, feeling my cheeks blush as he put my hand under his and walked me towards the main table.

  As we approached the main table, I could clearly see the McKenzie family there. Ros McKenzie, the father, the chief sitting in the middle, his shoulders broad and his face stern. He was known as the protector and the chief of the Clan, proud and determined. The years showed on his face as a burden. Sitting on his left was his wife Ceana, known for her bright-red hair and deep green eyes. Even with the age, she was graceful and calm. I felt her gaze on me and it made me more anxious than I already was. On Ros’s right was his eldest son, Osgar McKenzie. Osgar was notoriously famous for being cruel. Everyone knew he was the hammer but not the brains in the family. One look upon him, and it was clear this man was strong and ready to fight. Next to him was Una, Osgar’s wife. A tender beauty, a complete opposite of her husband, Una came from a poor family and managed to take Osgar’s heart. It was rumored that she was Osgar’s only weakness and he fell to his knees in front of her. Next on the table was Corc, the middle child. Although
a proud Scott, he was not a fighter. He proved himself in matters of accounting and books. Knowing he would most likely never rule, Corc was happy to stay in the castle and provide support from within. Muriel, his wife, was a strong woman. Just by looking at her it was clear she had no feminine side. The peasants joked how Muriel was the man in that marriage and how she took Corc’s virginity on their first wedding night. Seeing her, this was completely believable.

  An empty seat was placed next to her and the seat next to it was occupied by a face I did not recognize. It was a woman, a tall, slender, royal-looking woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. Those characteristics were extremely rare in the Highlands and were treated with the outmost respect. I was sure the woman was a distant relative to the Clan. Her poise was

  gracious and her face was mild, shining with divine beauty.

  “Father, Mother, brothers. This is Amelia, our guest.” – Scott announced loudly thus interrupting my thoughts. I bowed in front of the Chief. My palms were sweating and my heart was racing so hard I was afraid they would be able to hear it. I couldn’t speak, in fact I was so nervous my stomach was in a turmoil of its own. The Chief smiled and raised his glass to me:

  “Scott has told us all about you, child. Welcome to the McKenzie clan!

  Please, share our table and our food.”