Sold For Pleasure Vol. 3: Dark Erotic Series Read online
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“Sammy, you’ve hardly touched your food,” Norman said.
His eyes focused on mine and I looked down at my plate.
“Guess I’m not that hungry,” I said.
He nodded while chewing slowly, eyes darting between Bettie and me.
“I was a little nervous about the cage,” Bettie commented. “I didn’t think I’d be able to handle it, but it was so much fun.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Courtney said.
“I thought I might panic because of…you know,” she said. “But it was great. I want to do that again.”
“It just goes to show that you’re always safe with us,” Norman said while looking at me. “Isn’t that right, Sammy?”
I nodded, slowly pushing fries into my mouth. I was definitely hungry, but my nerves were shot and I felt like I couldn’t swallow. Norman hadn’t choked me hard, just enough to show me that he would do it if he needed to. I felt like an insubordinate child who was ungrateful, shoveling food around on my plate in defiance. It was my fault that this happened. I was just a bad little girl.
“What’s wrong, Sammy? Your mood seems to have dipped,” Courtney said.
“She’s just tired,” Norman said quickly.
“Yeah, I’m tired,” I added. “I just want to go to sleep.”
Courtney nodded.
“We’ll go home soon. I’ll give you a massage if you want,” she said.
I smiled.
“Thank you, Courtney,” I said.
When we were finished eating, Norman paid the bill and we piled into Courtney’s car to head home. Norman sat in the back with me, allowing Bettie to sit up front with Courtney where they blasted pop music over the stereo. Norman took my hand in his and leaned over to kiss my ear.
“Remember our conversation,” he said.
I nodded, pulling my dress down out of shame. I had flashed Stanley my bottom earlier in the evening to entice him. It was wrong of me to do and I felt like it needed to be corrected, but admitting my wrongs would only bring a world of pain I had never before felt. Certainly it would drive Norman to the edge. He might even give me away again. What would I do then?
At home, everyone piled into the room, but I wasn’t feeling particularly cuddly, so I went for the bathroom where I ran a hot shower. I stepped under the stream of water to cleanse myself, turning it as hot as I could stand. When I was alone, I began to sob quietly in the steamy bathroom while leaning against the ceramic of the shower. I heard the glass door open behind me and wiped my eyes quickly.
It was Bettie.
Her nude body was brimming with confidence, a sure change to our previous situation where she frequently looked battered and weak. She wrapped me in a hug and I sobbed into her shoulder, the water washing away my tears.
“Sweetheart,” she whispered sweetly. “What is going on?”
I couldn’t respond. I was crying so hard that words left me, replaced with the stifled sound of me weeping into her skin. She hugged me harder. After a few minutes, my sobs turned into sniffles and I gasped against the hot air. I turned the knob to make it a little cooler. She massaged my scalp with her nails that put me at ease, calming me down enough to begin explaining my own infidelity.
“I have to tell you a secret,” I whispered.
“What is it?” she asked, smoothing my matted hair away from my forehead.
“I’ve cheated.”
Bettie’s eyes went wide as she studied my face, her mouth opening to speak, but closing quickly.
“I’m sorry. It was at the party the other night. It was so tempting and I just took it,” I whispered, tears returning to my face. “I can’t tell Norman.”
She pulled me into another hug while rubbing my back.
“Honey, why?” she asked. “Why would you do that when you have us?”
“Maybe I got bored,” I said. “I’m not sure, but now I just want to do anything I can to fix it.”
“You can’t tell him,” she said firmly. “He’ll go nuts.”
“I know, but what else can I do?” I asked.
Bettie shrugged, unsure of what to say. She hummed and rocked me side to side for a bit, keeping me calm in the wake of my panic. I nuzzled her neck.
“You know,” I said. “I still want to get back at him.”
“For what?” she asked.
“For the unwarranted punishment. As much as I felt absolved by it because of my little mistake, I still want to overpower him,” I explained.
“Do you think it’s a good idea?” she asked.
“What’s a good idea?” asked a voice from the other side of the door.
My eyes went wide. Had Bettie left the bathroom door open? Could they hear us? I looked through the glass and noticed Courtney on the other side. I opened the glass door to allow her inside. When she stepped inside, she stood under the shower for a moment and then wiped the water from her face.
“I hear that we want to do something to our master,” she said slyly. “What’s this little plan?”
Could we trust her? The thought caught me off guard and I shook my head, unsure whether it was wise to even keep talking about it.
“Don’t worry,” Courtney said. “He’s fast asleep.”
Bettie and I exchanged glances. I wasn’t going to be the one to explain it.
“We want to take power,” Bettie said boldly. “For him punishing Sammy the other day.”
Courtney regarded this statement with some thought, chewing it over in her mind while grabbing the shampoo from the shelf.
“Well, we ought to clean ourselves first if we’re going to do that,” she said playfully.
“How are we even going to pull that off?” I asked. “Wouldn’t he overpower us?”
“No, I think I know a way to do it,” she said.
As we scrubbed ourselves clean, Courtney outlined the plan. It seemed she had been thinking of doing this for a while, but hadn’t ever had the opportunity or resources to pull it off.
“He’s sleeping now, so it would be best to tie his wrists down to the bed. There’s already a set of restraints in place. We’ll have to bind his legs down, too, so he doesn’t get out of it,” she explained. “And then we can tease him to pieces.”
She giggled maniacally. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen and it made me excited to enact our plan. I wondered whether we would be able to get away with it or if he might get mad.
“But won’t he be upset?” I asked.
“He might be up until we make him cum hard,” Courtney replied while rubbing the soap bar down my legs. “Just relax. It’ll be fine.”
I was nervous. We were about to do something incredibly naughty and I wasn’t sure if Norman would appreciate it. Never had I wanted to challenge his authority like I did now, but it was unclear what might happen as a result. It was now or never. I had to suck it up and be a big girl in order to give my sisters strength. Any weak part of our plan might bring about our downfall, giving Norman the chance to spank us silly. While I had previously enjoyed the spankings, I had now become fearful of them. I didn’t want to disappoint him.
But I had already done that.
Chapter Nine
I turned off the shower and stepped out as Courtney passed out towels. We dried our hair and reapplied a little make-up, helping each other with eyeliner and gloss to accentuate our features. I asked whether we should even get dressed. Courtney said not to worry about it and then retreated to the room to start binding Norman to the bed. I could hear the mattress squeaking from the bathroom, each sound causing me a miniature panic. Bettie took my hand.
“Breathe,” she said. “This is going to be fun, and you’ll forget all about—”
I covered her mouth and shook my head.
“Sorry,” she said when I pulled my hand away.
“Never speak of it,” I whispered.
She nodded in agreement, pulling me in close for a hug. When Courtney returned, we stood frozen for a moment while gathering our strength. It was g
oing to be a remarkable night. The excitement building in my gut was overwhelming and I had to steady myself with Bettie’s hand as we walked into the room.
Norman was sprawled on the bed with his arms and legs tied down, snoring softly in the dim light from the bathroom. Courtney lit a few candles next to the bed and then climbed on the mattress, instructing us silently with her finger where to sit. When we were all in place, she leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss that roused him from his sleep. He stirred and moved his arm, noticing that it was stuck in place above his head. His eyes shot open.
“What is this?” he asked in a sleepy voice.
“We’re overthrowing your power,” Courtney said sweetly.
Norman looked between the three of us, trying hard to get out of the restraints.
“Alright, girls. Fun is over,” he said firmly. “Let me go.”
“No,” Bettie said. “We want to have some fun.”
I leaned over and licked his nipple, eliciting a hiss from his mouth as Courtney stole another kiss. When Bettie rubbed his flaccid member, he groaned and stopped pulling against his restraints.
“Such bad girls,” he whispered as I helped Bettie elicit an erection. “My naughty little girls.”
Bettie took his cock into her mouth and sucked slowly, pulling back to allow me to do the same. Courtney massaged his chest and kissed his neck as we worked on his member, licking and sucking like good little girls. His muscles tensed as we stroked him and he begged for us to keep going. Courtney instructed us to stop.
“Beg,” she said to his face. “Beg us for more.”
“Please, give me more,” he begged. “Please, darlings, give me release.”
“Only when you’ve given me pleasure,” she said firmly while squatting over his face.
Bettie and I watched in awe as Norman opened his mouth to lick, Courtney rolling her hips over his face and throwing her head back to moan. It was difficult keeping my hands to myself. All I wanted to do was take his erection in my hands and start pumping, but I knew better than to move forward without Courtney’s instruction. Instead, I slipped two fingers into Bettie’s peach and started stroking her. She became wet instantly. I watched her face contort as I stimulated her beautiful fruit, reveling in the wonderful noises that came from her lips.
A pair of lips met my mouth and she reached down to slide her fingers over my bud, causing me to shiver over Norman’s body. Courtney was baying at this point and we were both ready to take charge of Norman’s body on her cue. She turned while she was riding his face and said, “Use your flowers to stimulate him.”
I smiled as we positioned ourselves over Norman’s member, pressing our flowers together with his cock in between. A groan came from his mouth and vibrated against Courtney who bayed in response. She tousled her hair and continued to ride, instructing us to grind together in order to bring our wonderful master to climax. I was beside myself with pleasure, having never done this particular position before this moment. Bettie was groaning as she slid up and down, our sweet nectar coating his tool and inspiring him to moan continuously.
The air in the room was tense with pleasure, each of us focused totally on our stimulation. Norman was completely motionless save for his mouth that gladly licked up the juice spilling from Courtney’s fruit. Hypnotic hips thrust up in a frenzy between Bettie and me as we wiggled with delight. My arms were growing tired, but I could feel the pull in my pelvis that spoke of fulfillment, the promise of a delightful release that would soak the bed and my beautiful family. It was damn potent. Molten waves of bliss washed over my body, rocking my hips to the same rhythm as Bettie.
A passionate tide overtook us as we panted, our movements becoming frenzied as we both peaked. Within moments, a chorus of moans filled the air and Bettie vibrated against my flower as I shook with delight. Slipping and sliding together, we came hard and rolled slowly over the hot tool between our buds. Rapid, shallow breaths came from beneath Courtney who was already beginning to convulse, releasing a cry of pure joy. She rattled and shook against Norman’s face who lapped fervently at her petals.
Just as Courtney came, Bettie and I picked up our pace against Norman’s tool and caused him to thrust forward hard, releasing a bountiful fountain of cream that coated our bodies. He shuddered with pleasure as he growled, fighting the restraints as his body shook. His member twitched after his discharge and he gasped hard. Courtney fell over and collapsed into the mattress, still twitching from her orgasm. The four of us were completely spent, panting as we all rested against the soft cushions. The sticky honey stuck to my stomach and I rubbed it into my skin, smiling wide at our intense bonding session.
“That was beautiful,” Bettie whispered in the candlelit room.
“Absolutely,” Norman said. “You three are troublemakers, but I love you.”
Courtney sat up and started undoing his restraints, leaning over to kiss him.
“We love you, too,” she said.
Bettie and I undid the restraints on his ankles and he pulled us all into a hug, laying kisses upon our heads as he chuckled.
“My sweet girls,” he whispered. “What a lucky man I am to have you.”
We cuddled into his chest and sighed contentedly, my heart still racing from my orgasm. My mind was a mess of thoughts about what had happened prior to this beautiful engagement, trying to convince myself that it was a one-time offense that would never happen again. As long as I had my sisters to keep me in check, I felt confident that we would never fall apart. After all, we’re family.
We need to stick together.
The bond of our family had strengthened. I had resolved myself to forgetting all about that wretched night when I had cheated on my master, only telling one of my sisters about my infidelity. She was sworn to secrecy and I knew I could trust her, yet I still felt guilty after that day. We spent many days in sexual splendor, each taking turns to have power over each other which was more liberating than I had ever thought. Still, my affection for Stanley lingered in the back of my mind. Due to work and other responsibilities, we hadn’t been to The Dungeon in many months. We were going back to have a little fun and to show off our new kinks that we had discovered. Power exchange was the hot button of that evening and I found myself reeling with pleasure while whipping my sisters. But a stranger lurked in the corner, a masked man whose eyes I could never forget. The sea of green.
~ The End ~
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“Devil In Disguise”
Mistress To Wife (Book 1)
Chapter 1
I saw the cold iron rod swoosh towards my behind and even though I knew it was cold because I was told to go fetch it, the sensation of it hitting me was too painful to bare. The swoosh sound turned into a painful reality and it went through my body in one electric shock, the pain manifesting through me until I had to scream.
“I have to punish you. You deserved it.” – My father was speaking, almost apologetically. I didn’t say anything. I knew I deserved it. It’s been two times this week that I’ve let my mother do all the housework by herself while I was sitting down the river, completely oblivious of what the time was.
The Scottish Highlands were a highly ungrateful place to grow up in. To me, it seemed that the stubbornness of the Highlanders was the only thing keeping us here: the land was almost barren and it was rare for the animals to live over one year.
The Clan where we belonged to, the McKenzie, were one of the biggest and most powerful around. We of course, didn’t get to experience their fortune or glory as we were the mere peasants that were allowed to stay on their land for a fee. My family along with a lot of other families were taking care of the crops on the McKenzie land and we paid monthly taxes for it. What we got in return was a small portion of the crops to feed ourselves and protection from other Clans. The thing was, there was no difference between belonging to on
e clan or the other: the job of the peasant remained the same.
I started realizing the politics around us last year, once I turned 17. I was the only child of my parents and with that, I had an innate duty towards them, a simple but honest desire to protect my mother and help my father and it was more than disappointing to realize that there really was nothing I could do.
The times we lived in, crucified between hunger, the Christian fate and the old gods, were too confusing and for people that were of no rank, it simply meant we had no choice.
As my father was raising the iron rod to hit me again, I heard the swoosh sound breaking the air around us and I closed my eyes, awaiting. I heard the sound of the rod drop on the cold stone floor, tinkering as it went down. I opened my eyes, my heart racing and stuck in my throat, grasping for air as I was clenching my palms in front of me.
“You’ve had enough.” – Father whispered as he left the house.
Mother ran to me and as she hugged me I could feel her wet face on my dress. She was crying.
“Amelia don’t make your father do this again!” – She was saying, completely heartbroken.
I wasn’t crying anymore. I hugged mother while whispering: “Everything will be all right mother.”
Besides his duty as the head of the household, Father was a kind man at heart. He was a dutiful man, scared of God and the final punishment , the type of man that did everything right and lived a quiet life. Some of the people ridiculed him for not being straight up highlander but I knew better: father simply loved his family.
Chapter 2
The next month, I could tell our family was not doing well. In sense of crops and the impending tax, we were falling behind. We didn’t know what would happen if the tax wasn’t paid on time, but we had a feeling we didn’t want to find out, either.
Right at that time, I noticed our neighbor harboring around our house and visiting more often than not. That man had a son my age and he wanted to marry him. The intent behind his visitations was clear to me: he wanted me to marry his son.
We Scotts do this marvelous dance of engagement, a coy show of showing off and hiding at the same time. As I knew what was happening, and I knew the man’s son, I suddenly felt angry. The duty of a true Scott towards our family was greater than anything else, but marrying that boy was something I couldn’t see myself do. I simply despised that man and wanted nothing to do with him. The man was a drunk and had no respect towards his mother. Every Scott knew if a man doesn’t respect his own mother, he will never respect his wife. As I pleaded my case in front of my parents, my mother kept her head down, sobbing quietly as my father was holding his spoon midair, simply staring at me.