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Sold For Pleasure Vol. 3: Dark Erotic Series Page 7

His voice was strong and even though his words were polite, the Chief’s demeanor was telling me that was an order. I bowed one more time before Scott took my hand and took me to the table.

  As I was finally seated next to the beautiful woman, Scott leaned in between the two of us, making the introduction:

  Briana, this is Amelia our guest. Amelia, meet Briana, my wife.”

  That one sentence sent the whole world spinning down on me. Almost as if a dagger ran through my stomach, I was grasping for air. I did not know Scott was married. All my desires fell down in the one place where I had to keep calm. I smiled, nodding towards the beauty next to me.

  “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Amelia. Scott told me all about you.” – Briana was speaking in a soft, seductive manner. I smiled and reached out for my cup. The thirst inside my belly felt as if a wildfire was storming through me. I looked towards Scott and I saw his eyes were solely focused on Briana. My heart sank.

  “Your bedchamber is next to ours. You have been assigned to our household, as my maid.” – Briana kept talking and I kept nodding and smiling.

  “You must be famished! Please child, eat!” – She continued with the pleasantries while putting food in my plate.

  Even though I was starving up to that moment, when I learned she was Scott’s wife, I didn’t feel the hunger anymore. All I wanted was to go back to my room. Even more, all I wanted was to go back to my parents and accept the marriage proposal.

  The rest of the feast is too hazy for me to recall. I remember people singing, dancing and drinking. I recall them talking to me and me replying in simple, short sentences. Nothing was significant anymore since I had just lost all hope in having the one I wanted.

  As the feast was coming to an end, I excused myself and I left the table. As I was about to turn in the left corner, I turned towards the hall one more time and I saw him. Scott was in his seat, smiling with his eyes set on me. As our eyes met, I smiled as I felt my heart was joyous again.

  Chapter 5

  As I walked to the room, I felt slightly nauseous but not in a sickly way. I had a weakness in my knees and my heart was pumping faster than usual, leaving me almost out of breath. I had a smile on my face and my mind couldn’t possibly explain why, although deep inside I knew it was because of him. As I was walking through what I thought were empty hallways, I saw a shadow lurking right behind the corner where I was walking. I stopped in my track, scared of the possibility that it could be another attack. As I did, I heard slight laughter, both male and female. At first I thought those were servants, taking the advantage of the empty hallways so I decided to move along, paying no attention to them. As I walked next to that corner, I could clearly see it was Osgar, the eldest brother, pinning a woman on the wall. I quickly looked away and picked up my pace but before I did, I clearly noticed Briana was the woman he was pinning down. I stroke of horror woken by the realization that she was cheating Scott with his brother made my blood cold. I tried to pretend I hadn’t notice them as I ran to my room, but Osgar was quick to follow. He caught up with me right before my door and he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. I could feel his smell: of wine and dirt, on my face. I tried to stay calm, pretending I had no notion of his sin.

  “What are you doing here?” – he barked, his voice commanding.

  “I was walking to my chamber, lord. How can I assist you?” – I retorted, trying to keep my calm.

  Osgar stood staring into my eyes, as if trying to read my thoughts and in a second, I was sure he knew what I saw. Instead of saying anything, he smiled and grabbed my hand even tighter.

  “You’re hurting me.” – I said, begging him to let me go.

  “You have no idea what I’m capable of.” – Osgar barked, bringing fear to my bones. Just as he squeezed my hand even tighter, another shadow walked through the corner, ending up right in front of us.

  “Osgar, brother what’s the meaning of this?” – I heard Scott’s voice and immediately, I felt relief. Scott picked up his pace and in a second was standing right next to me.

  “Nothing, dear brother. I was just… chatting with our guest. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, lady.” – Osgar barked, leaving me alone and leaving the hallway.

  “What was that all about?” – Scott asked, turning towards me.

  I tried to smile and tell him it was nothing, but right as I was getting ready to speak, Briana walked right next to us.

  “Scott, darling are we going to bed?”

  The interruption was clear. Scott nodded as he looked at me once more with inquisitive eyes.

  “Good night sir, madam.” – I spoke, rushing to get into my room.

  I entered the room and took upon taking the clothes off. Soon I was only in my nightshirt and I could feel the coldness of the stone walls around me. It wasn’t just the mere coldness; I knew I was lonely. As I got into bed, I kept thinking about Scott and his beautiful bride and I knew I was devastated at the prospect of him being married. With a sigh, I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep.

  That same second, I heard laughter and voices outside my door. I recognized them as his and his wife’s, their room was the very next one to mine. I was trying to breathe as quietly as possible, mortified by the realization that they could hear me as I hear them. I heard their door being open and shut and I swear I could hear him tearing through her robes. I laid on my back while fully awoken hearing everything that was coming out of those walls. She was laughing and he was too, after all her husband had just come back from a journey. I decided to try to go back to sleep and ignore them completely but that turned out to be quite impossible.

  Her laughter soon turned into moans. Sporadic at first, only to pick up the pace as I was imagining Scott’s hands on her, his deep eyes and lips all over her body. My breathing raced as I laid still, on my back not moving an inch, too terrified of the possibility to be heard. I felt embarrassed because I was able to listen but my body was not listening to me. It started shaking: a strange shake, coming from my groins all the way through my legs, where my toes slowly curled. Scott’s face appeared in front of my eyes, the sternness of his behavior made my nipples hard as I kept listening to Briana moan deeper and louder. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the fantasy, imagining him being here with me, his hands all over me, his lips on mine and his weight pinning me down.

  An unexplainable force was pinning me to the bed, making my loins tingly, almost burning with desire. I realized I was yearning to be with Scott and I was placing myself in the position of Briana. I wished I was his wife and I only wanted his eyes on me.

  As her moans grew harder and the panting was almost too heavy for me to grasp, I felt my private parts were drenched in wetness unfamiliar to me, and in an instant I thought I had lost control of my bowel. In one terrifying moment, I reached under my nightshirt and as I placed my hand between my legs, I let out a moan of satisfaction. I was horrified at the prospect of being heard but I had to keep going as this newly found pleasure was not of this world. Thousand thoughts went through my mind but none of them mattered as I was only focused on Scott’s image in my head and my hand between my legs. In an instant, the world shook along with my body and I felt as if I was taken away to another plane of life. The explosive pleasure that overcame me was not comparable to anything I’ve ever experienced. I laid there, fully taken by the newly discovered sensation when to my horror, I realized I had to have been loud as the noises from their room where all of a sudden, gone. I blushed and could feel the embarrassment wash all over me. I hoped and prayed that I wasn’t heard when finally, there was a knock on my door. In my silliness, I decided to pretend I was asleep but the knocking continued, this time accompanied by a vague familiar voice:

  “Amelia, are you all right?”

  It was Scott standing outside my doorway. Mortified that he heard my moans, I tried to pretend I was sleeping but to no avail. He wouldn’t give up. I soon realized he might have thought I was in some sort of a problem, so I decided to g
et out of the bed before he crashed the door.

  “Coming!” – I yelled, wrapping myself up and walking to the door. I looked myself in the mirror first trying to fake the best sleepy face of course, but I could not hide the alertness of my eyes. I walked to the door and opened it slightly, just as a lady would do. Scott was right outside my door, wearing a kilt but nothing else. His naked torso took me by surprise and shook me even more as his body was that of a Greek god. I realized I was standing there, speechless staring at his body. He cleared his throat and as he did, I looked into his eyes. God, the vast deepness of those eyes! Stern and concerned, warm and demanding at the same time, they brought the same weakness upon my legs.

  He smiled as I am sure he could see the effect he had on me and I quickly looked down.

  “Amelia, is everything in order? We heard… sounds. Are you alone? Is someone pestering you?”

  His voice was calm and protective. It soothed me terribly. I nodded, still avoiding his gaze. I couldn’t control the blush I knew was all over my face. I was trying to avoid his eyes, hoping he will leave.

  “These walls are pretty thin, aren’t they?” – he leaned in towards me, whispering into my right ear. I could feel his breath on my neck and I could almost taste him. The weakness of my knees and pounding of my heart became even stronger. I was terrified he could tell I was falling for him and in a bid to hide my feelings, I tried to walk in and close the door. His hand stopped the door from closing. Scott walked in the room, fully opening the door. He was inspecting it for a second, he even looked under the bed as if I was hiding someone.

  “There’s no one here. Please sir, let me get my rest.” – I spoke, my voice shaky.

  “I needed to make sure you are safe. I can see now that you are. I am here to keep you safe, Amelia I hope you know that.” – he took a step towards me. I was sure I would faint. His eyes for focused on mine and I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t move or look away. The deepness of his stem look went through my body, head to toe, as if a thunderstorm had hit me. Scott approached, very slowly, gently moving his hands from my shoulders towards my palms. Without looking away, he wrapped his fingers in between mine. He was still looking into my eyes, without uttering a single word. I could feel his body temperature from his palms. I knew I was bewitched, almost mesmerized, but I didn’t care. In an instant, I forgot where I was and who I was. I forgot he was married and I forgot about the promise I gave my parents. In that second, all I wanted was to be his.

  “Have you been with a man?” – He spoke, ever so gently, still glaring into my eyes. I smiled, coyly, thinking I wish I could say “yes” but deep down I knew I couldn’t lie to him. I shook my head in denial and looked away, embarrassed from my inexperience. Scott reached towards my face and taking my chin into his hand, he gently raised my head towards him: “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, Amelia. You are a beautiful, young woman.”

  I smiled. I felt his hand on my face and the desire from within burned even stronger. I wanted to tell him how I felt, I wanted to tell him what the sound was that he had heard, but I simply couldn’t.

  Scott took my hands and guided them towards his kilt. He wrapped my hands around his member and I felt it pulsating, growing in between my palms. He gently glided his hands through my arms, all the way around my neck and down my spine. It was a gorgeous sensation, something I only dreamed of happening.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” – He whispered, taking a step towards me and as I nodded, he ripped the night-frock off of me.

  “You are a beautiful woman, Amelia.” – He whispered, admiring my body. I couldn’t help but blush and as much as I wanted to satisfy him, I had to admit I didn’t know how. It was as if he could read my mind: “I will show you everything.” Again, I nodded, still wanting him, desiring his body on mine.

  He took me to the bed and tore one of the sheets into what seemed to me, shreds. He took a piece and tied my hands up above my head. Scott took another piece and tied it around my lips, so I can’t scream.

  “We can’t afford to be heard, can we?” – He whispered, lowering his head on my neck and kissing me, slowly and gently. I tried to toss and turn, the sensation was new to me and even though I desired it, I needed time to get used to it. The more I tried to move, the more he pinned me down, not letting me move even a single inch. Scott’s arms travelled through my arms, my bosom, my belly all the way down between my legs where just by touching me, he was able to make me drench in wetness. I arched my back up and down, surrendering to the pleasures of carnal desires as I saw him getting out of bed and walk to the kilt. He took the belt off it and walked back to the bed. I was struggling, wanting to move, wanting to wrap my hands around him, but unable to do so. As he got back on the bed, he used the belt to whip my bottom, very gently at first, only to spank me as hard as possible. I had tears streaming down my face and the more I tried to scream, the more I had that piece of clothing get inside my mouth.

  “I will teach you everything, Amelia. You will enjoy it.” – He whispered, while he took me by my hair and pulled me towards him. I was on all fours, with my hands tied in front of me and my bottom up in the air. I felt his hands glide through my bottom and in between it, gently caressing the soft spot I had discovered only minutes ago. Again, a wave of satisfaction washed over me. The way he played with me: through pain and through pleasure was immensely satisfying. I felt him move behind me, crawling towards me.

  “You are about to lose your virginity, Amelia.” – He whispered as I felt his hands opening me and in a second, I felt his cock inside me. An agonizing pain broke through out me but I couldn’t scream. He reached out and grabbed me by my hair as he continued to ride me. A wave of pleasure washed over followed by pain and vice versa, for a few minutes and then, all of a sudden, the pain disappeared and it was pleasure only. I could feel his cock inside me, going in and out, my hands tied along with my mouth, his hand holding me by my hair, as he rode me from behind. I heard him panting and moaning, deeper by the second. His panting alone was able to arouse me, to excite me and to make me want more. I could hear the sound his cock was making from getting inside and out and it was the sweetest sound I had ever heard.

  I felt a wave slowly build up inside me, as if a play was coming to an end. Before I was able to figure out what had happened, I felt the explosion of yearning and lust between my legs, the thunderstorm in my head, only his time it was tenfold the force from what I had experienced by myself. I wanted to scream, to thank god for this sensation, and the m ore I tried, the harder it was. As soon as I reached my peak, I completely crushed on the bed, not able to even lift my head.

  “You came fast. I like that. But we are not done yet.” – He whispered, untying my hands and pulling me up. He took the cloth off my mouth and lowered me towards his cock.

  “You will have to satisfy me, Amelia. You want to, don’t you?” – he asked and I nodded. I reached and massaged his cock between my palms and I slowly guided it towards my mouth. I had no idea what I should do but he was giving me instructions and I was decisive on following them. I wanted to show him how much he means to me.

  I licked and I sucked his cock, while he was holding me by the hair and staring into my eyes. He was panting, and his moans were the most erotic thing I had ever heard. In an instant, I felt his cock pulsating again and his moans got heavier as he pulled it out of my mouth and the life-giving liquid spilled all over my face. As he was spilling his seed all over me, I saw his eyes glare in mine and I knew I was in love with this man.

  He collapsed on the bed net to me, breathing heavily. Funny enough, I felt free, as if I was liberated from some curse. I felt good, the carnal satisfaction brought sleepiness to my eyes. On the other hand, I kept thinking about Briana who was in the room right next to us, and a feeling of doom and fear wrapped around my soul.

  “How did you like it?” – He asked, looking at me. I coyly smiled: “I liked it.”

  “Are you going to tell me what happened in the hal
lway earlier?” – As he asked, I felt terrified. I wanted him for myself but I did not know if I could tell him the truth about his brother.

  “Do you love your wife, Scott?” – I asked, completely surprised that I was able to utter that question. He smiled: “Our marriage was a business settlement. Had nothing to do with love. She is my wife by law and I can’t change that.”

  “Do you love me?” – As the words left my mouth, I was mortified. I had no idea where I had found the courage to speak this way. He smiled again as he gently swiped his palm through my cheek: “I find you attractive. There is something in you that pulls me in, magnetically. I do need you, Amelia.”

  I sighed: “So I’m a bed warmer now.”

  “No. You are mine and only mine. No one else gets to touch you. Do you understand?” – I could tell his voice got aggressive.

  “You are married, my lord.” – I whispered as I saw him smile.

  “I may be married, but you are my mistress and I will make sure the whole castle knows that. That is one privilege of being the lord.”

  I nodded as I watched him leave my bed put his kilt on and walk out of the room.

  As he finally left my room, I went back to bed trying to ease into sleep but no sleep could come to me. Excitement, guilt and confusion overtook me. I knew I would break my poor parents’ hearts if they heard about this but on the other hand, I only did what I wanted to do.

  Chapter 6

  After the events from that first night upon my arrival in the McKenzie castle, I was deeply disturbed by the outcome of my future there. The following morning after my first introduction to the satisfying abilities of my own body, Scott had left the castle along with a few other members too some McKenzie business down south. It already was a few weeks since he was gone and I was in the company of his wife, the beautiful Briana, as her handmaiden. Before Scott’s departure, he not only spent almost all his nights in my bed, but he also kept his word and proclaimed me as his mistress. Briana never even acknowledged that she knew. It was clear, a woman’s hurt ego is not to be played with. I lived in the castle modestly, not keeping friends or demanding anything for I was scared of what might happen to me now that Scott was not here to protect me.