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His Secret: (Man Of The House Taboo Erotica) (CANDY GIRL SERIES) Page 10

  I started to come, moaning out ‘Master’ as I did, which pushed him to fuck me harder. He leaned over me, pulling me up against him. I had my knee on the bed now, and my other foot on the ground, pushing me upward on tip toe as he continued to fuck me with hands groping my breasts. The force held me against his chest, and I bounced slightly with every thrust. He tweaked and pulled my nipples.

  As I climaxed a second time, I could feel him starting to come deep inside of me, and I clenched around him. At the same time, I clenched around the plug, prolonging my own orgasm as he thrust through his own, finishing me off. He slowly released his grip on my nipples, but Master still held me tightly against him, as we both caught our breath. I don’t know what I was expecting when he was done. I groaned as he finally pulled out.

  “You can sit on the bed.” He said breathlessly, almost caringly as I looked up at him, watching the deep rise and fall of his chest, the height of his orgasm still reverberating through him

  “Sleep with me tonight.” He added, and I looked at him with surprise over my face. Like lovers? I thought, but I didn’t dare to voice the thought. I nodded softly, and then I started to blush. Sitting was starting to hurt my ass even more.

  “May I…” I started, and he looked at me curious as I tried to come up with the right words. I was clearly embarrassed, and I shifted my weight, trying again.

  “May I…” I started again. Realization dawned on him, causing him to smirk.

  “May you what, my little slut?” He teased me.

  “May I take the plug out.” I rushed out? “Master…” I added softly, and he chuckled.

  “Leave it until morning.” He said, and I wanted to protest but the moment I opened my mouth to do so his eyes narrowed at me. I knew to keep my mouth shut, and I nodded. He finished undressing, and together we laid down to sleep. The silk sheets caressed my body, and I snuggled up against his warm chest. His cock was already hardening again against my ass, but he ignored it. It didn’t take me long to fall into a comfortable sleep.

  Andrew: An Unexpected Visitor

  Alina was taking a shower in her own room. I had yet to let her use my bathroom. I wanted it to be a fun, unique experience for her. I smirked, knowing she’d melt at the luxury of it all. With a small smirk, I shook my head, thinking to myself that it was going to be fun to play house with her until she was molded into just the right woman for me. That’s when my thoughts were interrupted. My phone began to ring, and I felt a chill go down my spine. Alina wasn’t ready to see anyone, and yet I knew that ringtone. It was Carlos, but I had no choice but to pick it up.

  “What has you calling me? I told you that I’d be busy for another month or so.” I gritted out, keeping my voice civil.

  “Yeah, yeah, but something has come up, Andrew. I need to see you. Now.” He said firmly, and I was about to protest, but I gritted my teeth.

  “How soon will you be here?” I said coolly, and I could hear the arrogant smirk in what he said next.

  “I’ll be there in less than five hours.” He said, and that’s when he hung up.

  My heart was thudding in my chest. She isn’t ready. A little voice in my heads creamed, but I had to force myself to take a few deep breathes. I nodded a little to myself as I tapped my fingers on the side of my leg. Carlos won’t rat me out. He won’t hurt her, but I do owe him something for what he did last time. He’ll want to collect on that debt using Alina, and I can’t have that. I’m not the sharing type. Not with her. I thought to myself, trying to rationalize everything out.

  If Carlos sees weakness, he’ll try to lure her into a sense of security around him. He was always good at playing the shining white night until the girl was alone with him. I can’t let that happen, I thought. Before I knew it, I was pacing, trying to figure out what to do. I could scare her into compliance, and yet that would make her run to that so-called white shining knight even more. I pondered my thoughts bitterly.

  My mind was racing, and so I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to calm down. Five hours. It seemed like the clock was already ticking down way too quickly. With a deep breath, I looked at my options, forcing myself to sit down. There was something here I was missing. There was some obvious solution, and yet I couldn’t seem to grasp what it was. Every time I thought about Carlos getting his hands on Alina, panic seized me, and that wasn’t like me.

  It irked me and bothered me deep down in a way that I didn’t want to admit to. I had always been possessive of the girls I kept before I let them go, but this was the first time I didn’t plan to let a girl go. I wasn’t ready to let Alina go, and I truly admittedly wasn’t able to. Not now. She knows too much. Carlos would argue we could just dispose of her. I was sure of that, but I couldn’t do that either.

  Not even if she poses a threat to me, I thought. I was startled at how easily that thought came. Anger and frustration welled up inside of me, and it wasn’t as easy to push away this time. I looked over at my liquor cabinet, and I went over to it, grabbing a scotch glass and pouring some into it. I drank it down quickly before pouring another. I needed to relax and see the options I knew were clearly in front of me. In a panic, I could never think clearly. This was no different. I went to sit back down with my glass in hand, sipping at it this time as I once again reviewed the facts.

  Alina: The Tables Turning

  I wasn’t expecting him to come into my room. I was reading one of the fantasy novels that he had picked up for me when he had gone out last. It was about a girl who was taken in by a vampire prince after wandering the woods for three days, completely lost, and I was fascinated by the way that the main character was both attracted to him and repulsed. I refused to allow myself to dwell on why that fact was on my mind so much.

  That’s when I heard him come in. Andrew clearly looked distraught, and I could smell that he had been drinking, but I knew it wasn’t a lot. I bit my bottom lip, trying to think about what I could say to get him to talk to me. He just stood there in the doorway, looking more haggard than when I had last seen him. What’s bothering you? I thought to myself. Can I use it to escape? Another voice in my head said, but I pushed it down. And go where? I reminded myself bitterly, trying to make the little voice in my head shut up. I knew that accepting my situation would be easier in the long run. There was no hope for me here, and so I forced myself to meet his gaze, allowing my worry to show.

  “Alina…” He finally said, and his voice was a little raw, but it was still controlled enough to know I couldn’t delude myself about taking advantage of his state. He was still in control. He always was. He was my Master.

  “Yes, Master?” I asked sweetly, putting my book down after placing the ribbon he gave me as a book mark neatly between the pages. He seemed to relax at the simple word, and I knew that this was the only thing I could do to help him. I slipped from the bed, and with bare feet and dressed in nothing but a sheer black nightgown, I walked over to him, standing right in front of him.

  “Alina…” He repeated, watching me carefully as if I had just done something he hadn’t expected. He was sizing me up for something, and the intensity of his gaze made me shiver, biting my bottom lip again.

  “We need to talk.” He said, and I nodded, as if it was the most normal thing in the world for him to ask for. Yet, down deep it startled me. He didn’t really need to talk to me. He could take what he wanted or order it from me on any other occasion. I don’t know why, but I found myself reaching out to touch his chest. My delicate fingers played over his chest through his buttoned down slate grey shirt.

  “Yes, Master.” I repeated, and I could feel his muscles tighten underneath my fingertips. I started to realize something then. That my submission caused a reaction in this strong, determined man that held my life in his hands. I filed the information away for later. His hand wrapped around my wrist, gripping me tightly but not too tightly. It was obvious that he didn’t want to hurt me, and his gaze was intense when I met it. He walked forward, making me take a step back until we were o
nce again back at the bed. He had both of my wrists now, and I was leaning backward, but Master held me up.

  “Don’t play with fire.” He said, barley more than a hoarse whisper, but I could tell that there was something different in his eyes. This lust was something he was having a hard time controlling, and my eyes widened at his husky, barely constrained voice. He let go of me abruptly, and I fell back onto the bed. He turned quickly, walking to the chair and sat down. When I straightened up, I could tell that he was once more in control of the situation.

  “We have an issue.” He said, and I nodded a little. A shiver of fear ran through me, worrying that perhaps I had gone too far and was about to be punished.

  “Not with you, Alina.” He said softly with a small sigh, beckoning me over with his finger. I kneeled in front of him, and I laid my head on his inner thigh. His fingers went to my hair, and he started to pet me as I looked up at him.

  “I have someone coming over.” He said, and I tried to keep my shock from registering on my face.

  “You will need to show that you are loyal to me, Alina.” He said, and his fingers paused entangled in my hair before he continued to pet me again.

  “I know that you do not like me. I am still your captor, but you must understand. He will try to convince you that he is good, my darling girl. He’ll convince you that he doesn’t truly believe in what I did to you. That me taking you was wrong. He will tell you that he shares your beliefs, and his words will be sweet as honey.” He said, and I was now hanging on his every word. I knew that he was warning me for a reason, and yet a small tendril of hope was settling over me. It wasn’t something I could help.

  “You need to understand something, Alina.” He said.

  “I have no proof of the atrocities that I am about to tell you, but this man has done worse than me. If he gets you alone, my pet, he will do the same to you.” He said, and his voice was tight and cold.

  There was cold fury hiding under that controlled voice, and that scared me. So I sat there, forced to listen in graphic detail of the horrors that the man that was coming to visit had inflicted on girls much younger and older than I. I had tried to back away during it once, but his hand had entangled in my hair, forcing me to look up at him. For the first time since being taken, I feared someone more than my Master, and I feared my Master even more.

  Andrew: Entertaining Our “Guest”

  I hated the fear that I saw in her eyes, but I had made it clear that he was much worse than me because he was. I was waiting for Carlos now. We had only an hour at most, and I had made sure to take out her posture collar. I had showed it to her before now, but I had yet to give it to her and tell her to wear it. Now she was fastened into it gently. I had made sure that it had a lining that wouldn’t pinch. Yet another way I’m different. I thought as I looked at her, making sure she looked the part. I couldn’t have her looking like she was an easy target. It’d only give us an even harder time than we had.

  She had cuffs and a small chain that I knew was stronger than she was around her ankles. It was light weight, and Alina was able to move around decently freely, but she wouldn’t be able to run with the chain, and that was all that it was there for. I smiled at her, watching as she put the small amount of makeup on I gave her. It wasn’t that I thought she needed makeup, but I was more than happy to give it to her if she wanted it. I knew that before I had taken her she had worn makeup every day. It was a habit I didn’t think she needed, and yet I wanted to give her some sort of luxury to take her mind off of the ordeal that was about to happen. She was working on her second coat of mascara before I left her. She was dressed in a new dress as well, with ballet flats.

  It was as if we were getting along well enough to get to this point, which was actually a week ahead of my own schedule. That’s when I heard a heavy knock on the door. I left to go get the door, and just as I thought, when I opened it Carlos stood on the other side. He had the same eyes that I did, sharp and cruel. He was a little more muscular than me, and certainly a good five years younger. He had a sleeveless shirt that showed off his biceps, dark blue-jeans with black boots that would be perfect for hiking.

  “Long time no see.” Carlos said as he pushed past me, and I frowned at him.

  “You’re here before you should be. What do you need anyways?” I asked, but Carlos just looked around, scanning the room.

  “Where is she?” He asked casually. Where you can’t get to her for now. I thought, but I said nothing. I just shrugged.

  “I told her she could be in her room. I’ll call her in a moment. Are you going to give me an answer?” I asked him.

  “In due time, Andrew. Where’s your famous hospitality?” He said, giving me a sly grin as he went to sit down on the couch.

  “Alina.” I called out coolly but loud enough to make sure that she could hear me.

  I could hear the chain dragging on the ground as she approached, and so could Carlos. He quirked a brow at me, but he was wise enough to not say anything. I sat down beside Carlos, waiting for her to come out. I knew that she was stunning, and he would appreciate that. It both filled me with pride and irked me at the same time. I tried to just concentrate on getting him in and out of here, which meant showing him Alina so we could get down to business.

  Alina: A Conflicting Mix of Hope & Fear

  I walked carefully, and the sound of the dragging chain made me shiver. I was nervous, and my heart was pounding. Master promised I’d be okay, I thought, and as soon as I was in the room, my eyes landed on them, but I quickly averted my eyes to the ground. Not before I could see the lust in both of their eyes. The man, ‘Carlos’, as Master called him, looked at me with a smile splayed across his lips. I stared at his mouth, but I refused to meet his eyes.

  “Alina, is it?” He asked, and his voice was rough and deeper than Master’s. Call him Sir. I reminded myself, trying to concentrate on one thing at a time.

  “Yes, Sir.” I said in a soft, hushed voice.

  “Oh, you do have this one being quite polite, Andrew. Tell me, how much did you have to punish her?” He jabbed, and I tried not to flinch at the thought. I could feel his eyes on me, boring a hole into me.

  “Enough. Perhaps I will give you a demonstration later.” He said coldly, and it took everything I had not to flinch at his words. I had to remind myself that he was doing what was best for me, but it was something that was quite hard to remember.

  “Go pour us some of that sweet tea you made, darling.” Master said to me in a quieter, gentler voice. There was no mistaking the order for what it was though, but I didn’t mind. I had grown quite accustom to him ordering me around.

  “Yes, Master.” I said, bowing my head slightly as he had taught me to do before I went to the kitchen.

  In truth, I was more than happy to get away from Carlos’ leering gaze. I heard them talking in hushed voice the moment I left, and I took my time, but not too much time. I had no interest in trying to hear what they had to say. I didn’t want to know. Not after what Master had told me. When I got back into the room, I did catch a snippet though.

  “You aren’t disposing of this one?” Carlos asked, seeming to say it loud enough for me to hear.

  I froze. This one. The words echoed in my head, and I looked at Master with scared, pleading eyes before catching myself and returning to the position I was told to keep. I kept walking, offering them each a glass of sweet tea. When I was done, I sat by Master’s feet. My head was once again on his thigh.

  “No, I do not think so. As you know, I planned to keep this one for a very long, long time. Hopefully the rest of my life.” My Master told him, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I was both afraid, hopeful and relieved by his words. His fingers were once again in my hair, and I allowed myself to enjoy the soft, gentle touch that he was giving me.

  “Hmm. I see. Is she going to be here while we talk then?” He asked, and my Master nodded.

  “I don’t see why not. She’s not leaving my side for the rest of
her life.” He said.

  “Her life.” Carlos repeated, chuckling. I tried to block out any ideas that sprung to mind on why he might have repeated the statement.

  “Anyways. I have a proposition. Fifty-fifty split, of course. The usual capturing job. Are you in?” He asked, and I bit my bottom lip, trying not to show my interest in what they were saying.

  “I didn’t plan on taking anyone anymore,” My Master told him. I glanced at Carlos. He was looking at my Master expectantly, quirking his brow.

  “Well I need to lay low, and you owe me. Let me stay here for a week and help me out, and I’d consider us even, Andrew.” He said, and there was a hint of what I think was a threat in his voice. I couldn’t imagine anyone threatening my Master, but then my mind went back to how he had come in haggard, and clearly worried just hours before. It was easy to forget with how cool and composed he seemed now.

  “You can stay here for a week, and I’ll think about it.” He said. It seemed like he wasn’t fazed, but I could hear how his voice had gotten a little lower. It was hard for him to keep his voice even. Carlos nodded, and I was told to go get more sweet tea. I did what I was told, putting the pitcher on a tray before heading back in to refill their glasses.

  Andrew: Unwanted Reactions, Unexpected Plans

  When I saw her come back into the room, the first thing I noticed was that she as getting more comfortable. Don’t fuck up just because you’re comfortable. I wanted to tell her, but I knew I couldn’t. The second thing I noticed was that Carlos was looking at her with obvious hunger in his eyes. I looked at my brother, and then I looked at Alina as she walked over. I don’t know why, maybe it was the hunger that I saw in his eyes as he looked at her, but the moment that Alina was kneeling down beside me I once again wrapped my fingers in her hair, but tighter this time.

  “Unzip me.” I said, and her eyes shot up, but thankfully she didn’t say anything as she unzipped my pants.